
We LOVE seeing how our lumber is used, hardwood floors, custom tables, local craftsman and woodworkers, DIY homeowners and artisans alike make some beautiful things with our wood. 

We would also love for others to see this as well! 

So, when you share your work online, with your friends, show it to a larger audience.  Use the #madewithgraveslumber.  This way, we can see, and others can see, all the amazing things you have made with our lumber. You may even be chosen to be featured on our social media. 

We have some of the best customers in Kentucky, we look forward to showing you off.  Thanks for all your support!

- The Graves Lumber Team

Air Dried

We have been getting a lot of feedback about the significant quality difference between our wood and other wood you can buy.  

The secret.  Our lumber is air dried. 


Above is a blog we found that really explained the reasons Air Dried lumber is a better product to work with.  In it it says,

"When wood is heated above 185 degrees (F), fatty acids in the lignin change, harden and can not be altered from that more rigid state.  This produces wood that is harder and more brittle than wood that has dried naturally.  There can also be casehardening to the outside of the wood forming a refractory surface.  These can be a problem for working with tools, gluing with Hide Glue and can effect stains and finishes.

Wood when green contains both free water within the fibers of the cellulose and bound water which is within the cells themselves.  As the wood dries naturally (air dry) the bound water replaces the free water as it evaporates slowly from the wood.  As this happens the wood shrinks, more across or around the grain and not much at all in its length.  A board will get somewhat narrower but only its loss of length is insignificant.  When wood is artificially dried the water leaves quickly causing cell rupture and collapse."

We definitely recommend you read this, and feel free to ask us questions about why we do things the way we do. 

See you at the lumber yard!


What to do with a slab

With the prevalence of YouTube woodworking has become increasingly popular.  We like to watch these guys too, there is some incredible information out there. 

We wanted to share one video with you, from Rocket Design Furniture. 

The word is out that we have slabs, some beautiful ones at that.  However, it can be hard to know what to do with such a large piece of lumber that you hope to keep, in many ways, intact. 

This tutorial is part 1 to make a dining room table from a slab.  We hope it's helpful.